"The Virginian"
The show was set in 1890s Wyoming and followed a mysterious man, The Virginian, who lived his lives by the code of honesty, bravery, loyalty, respect, justice and hard work. Elizabeth takes a liking to ranch hand Charley Ryan, much to the displeasure of Stacy---who'd be even more upset if he knew that Ryan is a fugitive. He was nominated three times for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, William Martin "Clu" Gulager (born November 16, 1928) is an American television and film actor and director. Theme by Percy Faith
When individual episodes have scores, they will influence the final season score. 13:15. . With 249 episodes, it ran for a total of 9 seasons from 1962 to 1971. It is incorrect on the end credits of that show. google_ad_height = 90;
13:04. Long Ride to Wind River (3) - The Virginian. Prices too high right now though. The song performed by Pernell Roberts is "My Love
Jim Sr. is an extremely capable man but impatient to succeed and feels luck goes against him. Thank
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