This was about her daughter and how she ( Kathy ) and Scientology failed Taylor!. Are we that naive so as to negate that her Fight against the abuses HAS been very helpful for her career? Oh, but I do feel that it is, Alanzo at least a big portion of it but let me explain myself. And totally based on the Tech as well. An assist is not a substitute for medical treatment but is complementary to it. Today, I would just get those to sign a waiver, if I were to audit them. Visit our Support Center Born in Panama, he came to the United States in 1984 after earning his medical degree in Brazil at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, and completed his residency in internal medicine through a. Youve just attended the funeral of your own daughter who committed suicide and a journalist calls you up to talk to you about it. At one point in time, this lady dared to question one of her husbands beliefs, which enraged the man resulting in a heavy beating and even rape of this lady. I think the important baseline to keep in mind is the law. I do feel, from being a member for 30 years, that my compassion and humanity was eroded.. #ScientologyTheAftermath" He was a life member for more than 74 years with the Americus Hose Company, Bloody Third Ward. Scn, as an activity, is very much self-centered; and VERY focused on the able (e.g. The unlikeliness of reform does not come from a group but only from one single individual. She went from a Where is Leah these days to a Leah Remini is an awesome badass. I think A&E should interview Cathy Tweed and give her time on their network after what has been done to her. Why would you want to contribute to Cathy Tweeds own inner hell? How can he possibly know what is on their minds? Im sure you know that there are other religions that dont believe in medical treatment, either and that this is actually a matter of freedom of religion. Thinking about this a bit more, the only set policy regarding suicide that Im aware of, is the routing-in metered interviews to the HGC (and possibly on sec checks), designed to filter-out undesirables. I am Jim Dandy and Im here to the rescue. Historic Notices 0. Ratings. If you really have that much experience with suicide survivors, how could you possibly be this cruel to one that you would dictate what her response should be to you on her own daughters suicide? Not any longer. Of course, that I dont mean that, neither. Really? So, they have this idea, that if they publically expose the churchs harmful practice, and rub their nose in it, that the church will reform and cease such actions.. OBITUARY William L Tweed May 23, 1919- November 25, 2012 IN THE CARE OF Skyline Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home William Leslie Tweed 23 May 1919, Portland Oregon - 25 Nov 2012 Portland Oregon Son of Otto Tweed and Esther Nathalia (Carlson) Tweed In 1962 he became a pattern maker when he went to work at Dependable Pattern Works. Since thats the post youre commenting on? I can see the public interest perspective with this series and and other productions that seek to find a story and tell it,, it has been created with key words cult secret confidential gulag ,, and so on not to mention the mood music and lighting,,, Its what media does,, its never enough just to have a story confined to the specifics and analyse it,,,no one buys that approach anymore.. Search. I dont agree with Leah on everything but I like and support her on the whole-Mike, too. This way, more trust can be built among Scientology practitioners and society which is what Scientologists must focus on, IMHO. Sure. My local AO wouldnt deliver this, instead either hat a family member, or turn it over to a field auditor. But, if that condition did not resolve they would seek traditional medical treatment. You guys are cowards and pieces of shit for having her ceremony at Celebrity Center. Scientology is a cult that is a criminal organization with very few members and lots of real estate. I wonder what the anti-Scientology camp Science Officer would have to say about this, , Excuse my manners, Alanzo! Granted that is probably due to legal reasons. And its the most insidious problem with what Leah and Mike are doing.. I will look into this in every detail of it to connect a few dots, and to fill the vacuum of lack of enough information with facts instead of assumptions. Getting rid of David Miscavige as _Chairman of the Board and having to answer to the US government or lose their tax exemption is.. It is the same with for example, priests who are also trained clinical psychologists, and who besides using the scriptures as a priest to spiritually orient the individuals he/she is trying to help, he also uses the tools of his trade as a trained clinical psychologist (or other type of psychotherapist) to help his parishioner. One is geared towards the discovery of truth, the other is entertainment. His posts at his blog dont mention ANYTHING about reformation, nor he uses a narrative leading to ask the church officials to please stop using the destructive policies, to come to senses regarding attacking the dissenters and critics, etc. Some ppl have questioned the fact that Taylers friend was the one speaking out and I can see why. This link is about the dangerousness of many psychiatric treatments by a psychiatrist himself, Dr. Peter Breggin : Now, many anti-Scientology individuals will say that Dr. Breggin works for Scientology, or is or was a Scientologists, just because his narrative is similar in many ways to the one used by CCHR. A&E's teaser for the upcoming episode shows a picture of my beautiful daughter." Yeah, I made it through just fine; thanks for asking! Would you like a TV show to make an episode about you and your dead daughter without your consent, and second guess you like this to millions of people? That pisses me off the most! Of course he knows. Tayler, feeling herself worse off after her last auditing cycle and a recent break-up, refused more auditing. Basically, its not a universal given that family has to be placed first in the search for spiritual freedom unless thats your belief. They think scientology is a criminal organization because they break up families. Because people like you who come on to blogs to post anonymously to trash a mother whose daughter committed suicide dont really get things like this, no matter what you say to them. Christopher Dewayne Redd. Sorry for all my delusional conspiracies, haha. For his role as a spiritual healer, or advisor, no licensing is expected, of course. I say this with affection. Why do you think that Cathy Tweed would not second guess herself every single day? I just couldnt resist it, . Even to go so far to say (paraphrase), If the body is sick, force it to dig a ditch. On Friday, January 10, Tayler Tweed killed herself with a gunshot to the head. I added them to the post. Take effective measures to correct such wrongdoings where and when they have occurred. Obituaries. Most abuses in Scientology happened (with the exception of children who of course, have not enough will power) because people AGREED to being abused. He clearly knew NOTHING of what was actually happening. You wonder how could they? Yeah. Curtis Tweed, Sr., 55, of Morganton, NC, passed away Saturday, November 26, 2022. The Horror! However, we assure you that we will add the factual details once they are available. Currently, Tayler Woolston's death is widely spreading, and people are concerned to know about Tayler Woolston Obituary and want to get a real update. Curtis was free-spirited and enjoyed music, guitars, and hanging out with his closest friends. Way to absolutely avoid the question.. This is about ending the abuses as Mike and Leah are trying to get us to believe. But the information presented regarding Tyler Tweed is true, and we found a few threads on Twitter honoring much information about Tyler Tweeds obituary. AGAIN Claire, you sre ASSUMING that just because a THIRD PARTY who has ABSOLUTELY no personal knowledge of such events but mostly through hearsay not backed up by ANY texts of FB posts, ANYTHING is saying so. Those 5 premises inductively lead to conclude that Mike Rinder is NOT after reformation, but after punishment and revenge because his family DECIDED ON THEIR OWN to disconnect from him, but he blames DM for it. And how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment?, Nice try, Gtsix, but I know better than to fall into the traps of rhetoric, . Who Where Receive obituaries Mary Marguerite Taylor February 15, 2023 (95 years old) View obituary Glenn Franks February 16, 2023 (88 years old) View obituary So, they have this idea, that if they publically expose the churchs harmful practice, and rub their nose in it, that the church will reform and cease such actions. This is what we need, being fair and balanced, and showing both sides of the coin while remaining compassionate to all sides. Damian Milton Obituary, What was Damian Milton Cause of Death? It does appear the mother attempt to coordinate care for her daughter at some level. Any professional therapists SHOULD also seek legal protection, and there isnt anything immoral about that. Bullshit. Of course, we were mostly trying to avoid future lawsuits and PR flaps. And like me, there were others who had to do the same. I went to see a doctor, did the tests, was found with my triglycerides very high, and my blood pressure high enough so as to be put on a special diet (I used to eat a lot of junk food back then; now, I dont), which I did long enough to get everything back down to normal. Can be really call that a Desire at reformation? Age 92. I am a long time friend of Taylers and have been in touch with her over the last several months. Second guessing a mother who has lost a daughter to suicide like this is pretty cruel, dont you think? Mike Rinder DAILY post at his blogs stories NOT related in any way (save for when an The Aftermath show is aired) to specific abuses, but mostly trying to prove to his sheeple that the church is not as big as they claim it is, how the buildings are empty, how the Volunteer Ministers really dont help anybody, etc, etc, etc, etc. Dj Sumbody Obituary, What was Dj Sumbody Cause of Death? Mrs. Pamela Devone Taylor Edwards age 52 of 1098 Teakwood Drive, Greenville, NC died Sunday February 26, 2023. In other words where something is merely thought to be a slight sprain, to be on the safe side an X-ray should be obtained, particularly if it does not at once respond. 1945 - 2023. I think that we all need a second chance at redemption, forgiveness, and the opportunity to right our wrongdoings. Id like to know what some experienced tech people have to say on the subject. I mean, how hypocritical can one get? Tayler had not been out of Scientology very long, and the fear of modern medicine stuck with her still. Will they reform? We love you, Tayler. I cant fault you on your logic. My local AO wouldnt deliver this, instead either hat a family member, or turn it over to a field auditor.. Theres your little sermon for the day. Certainly, the church needs to be more compassionate in general, especially with their existing public. Lauren detailed her friendship with fellow second-generation Scientologist Tayler Tweed, whom she met as a teen fresh out of the Sea Org. I highly doubt that Cathy Tweed would allow that. October 11, 1970 - February 26, 2023. She shared over 62 loving years of marriage with husband John L . Im pretty sure this tactic of trying to put you in Cathy Tweeds shoes is not getting through to you. It is the narrative of blame, destroy, and stereotyping others, and the attempt to make believe that some specific instances represent the attitudes of ALL Scientologists, that makes it wrong. Then I watched a YouTube video from the Vulcan First Officer Chris Shelton where he was using Critical thinking to mock that absurd idea of an Anti-Scientology Cult. I get that you dont have much confidence in the tech (leave aside the church) but I do. This isnt to be interpreted as meaning that there are no LRHs policies that by themselves, unadulterated in any way, are destructive enough so as to make it a necessity to just get rid of them; we have just too many of those. I have to say that I have little respect for your experience with suicide survivors if it results in a comment like this. But thats obviously not good enough for you. For now, we cant expect many resources from Tyler Tweeds family as they are not in the right mood to describe Tyler Tweeds death. Perhaps not along these lines, no, but perhaps we can teach them to recover the compassion that was once part of the Scientology world on a long gone past, so they can AT LEAST be able to offer sensible recommendations, and referrals to responsible psychotherapists who dont use primitive methods of healing and dangerous drugs to help their patients. Search Funeral Notices, Deaths, Obituaries & Memoriams. A memorial service will . But its a big stretch and a falsehood to broaden that to say the church doesnt treat the mentally ill. There are references for doing so going back to the first books, such as in Science of Survival with its Chart of Human Evaluation which specifies how to audit neurosis and psychosis. This is where the word cult shows some utility it can be used to designate a group which has morals that differ from the culture surrounding it. My step-Mom asked me last week if it was true that Scientology doesnt allow its members to use medical doctors. Are we expected to believe that in the allegedly most powerful country in the world, there is a mighty church who is guilty of many illegalities left and right, but that somehow the mighty USA government is totally incapable of doing anything about it, and for DECADES? Just like Brock, I think you just hate Scientology and Scientologists, and you want to tear one down, and Cathy Tweed seems like the perfect person for you to victimize. Thats why I left staff even though I continued being a Scientologist. I am doing this willingly. Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by RightOn, Jan 20, 2014. Absolutely avoid the question??? This is about a PERSONAL AGENDA of desires of destruction and revenge, while cleverly (and DISGUSTINGLY) manipulating human emotion. She provided financial support while her child chose to try to have a career. As opposed to Laurens Haggis narrative, mine is not hearsay. I DO believe in the goodness of others, my friend, as one of my basic beliefs in live. Anyway, my comment above had to do with the notion that the church does not treat the mentally ill. This seems to me like an ASC false datum that fits their agenda and theyve convinced others that its true so now its an everybody know, like so many of their assertions. This show wasnt about Kathy Tweed! On the broader perspective of exes and whistleblowers who have sufficient experience within the churches or Orgs to know the policies and tech points that motivate and guide the group effort, as well as the counselling and training points that create the graduated indoc into the subject and benefits across the dynamics,,, i find it very curious that a situation is created that these would have the need to go to external and non scn sources in order to get justice or warn others ,,, Its telling me that the wisdom and purpose of the subject matter contained in books and lectures is being sidelined for the purpose of enforcing attitudes and behaviours in a very careless and stupid manner. With your response here, I really have a hard believing you know anything about suicide at all. We werent supposed to accept those, but the ED (a GREAT individual indeed! Tyler Tweed Obituary has been recently searched in a more significant amount of volume online, and moreover, people are eager to know What Was Tyler Tweed Cause Of Death. But did L. Ronald Hubbard intend it that way? Well, TC, a compelling posting, indeed. Cmon open your bloggers eyes. I beg to differ, Statpush, and I am not trying to influence your opinion here. But that doesnt alter the fact that she wasnt any longer on the public eye not that she necessarily needed any money. If the disability is pronounced to be curable within the skill of the physical practitioner and is in actual fact a disease or illness which surrenders to contemporary physical treatment, to require the person to be so treated before Scientology processing may be undertaken; (End of quote). Both of them are living in centrsl Florida. Mr. Tweed was born in Washington County and son of the late Eugene & Lena Ball Tweed. Dedicated to a wonderful person who left too soon. But what we have from BOTH sides is the dramatization of a huge Service Facsimile (You are wrong; I am totally right), that totally blind both parties from sensible communication. My own experience had mostly been as a Mission staff that then became a small org. Maybe if she had felt more support in her own family or in her own mother, instead of being publicly criticized by the very people whom should always be on her side, she wouldnt have taken such drastic measures. Obituary Marjorie Tweed Davis, 77, of Black Mountain, passed away Thursday, November 12, 2020. SCIENTOLOGY IS THE LOW BLOW. This is all about protecting David Miscavige and the Church. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. F) Getting the person to list her/his backlogged incomplete cycles of actions, and deciding on completing just one simple thing at a time. Shes not trying to look like the good guy, shes giving her side of the story. vitamins, minerals, chiropractors, etc) to address a medical condition, along with some type of auditing program or PTS handling. In this light, it appears The Aftermath has but one goal: To rain upon the church so much bad PR that the public is repulsed. Its psychology and psychology that are not allowed-not that Im ok with that. Lets put Karen De La Carriere on that list, and we are all set, That specific group of 6, plus their sheeple decided upon a VERY specific narrative since SEVERAL years ago, and since then their specific agenda DOES NOT include reformation AT ALL. So they should pay taxes as any other professionals from the psychotherapy community do. The family does not address the story in a believeable way. Now, the anti-Scientology movement will try to get us to believe that most Scientologists doesnt believe in medical doctors, and that they never seek proper medical treatment. 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Articles T
tayler tweed obituary 2023