The cultural interpretation of the religion has been traditionally open-minded, making allowances for liberal behaviour and improvements in womens rights. An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. Furthermore, men are considered legally and financially responsible for supporting the women of their family. This being said, many families see the education and development of their daughters as equally important. The Five Key Religious Functions that constitute the basis of RCOPE were used to categorise these methods. In the current paper, based on the study carried out in Iran, only the results on religious coping methods will be presented. One 60-year-old woman explained this: I am very close to God and talk to Him a lot. Healthcare in Iran is based on three pillars: the public-governmental system, the private sector, and NGOs. To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. Across most households, elders are deeply respected and cared for. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. Still, when religion plays a predominant role as a coping resource, this is often because the individual has few or limited other alternatives available in his/her immediate sociocultural context. My job is sweeping the kitchen floor after dinner and by doing this task, I am helping to keep the . The government also provides donors with free health insurance, and the patients sometimes give an additional donation to donors. I should make myself a better person. culture and values, Nigerians progressively imbibed the white-men's way of life and values (Nwabuisi, 2000). As Corbin (Citation1964/Citation1993, p. 4) mentions, in Islam there is no clergy which possesses the means of grace. Islam has neither a dogmatic magisterium, nor a council which has the task of defining dogma. Figure 1. For payment of donors, the government sets the price for kidneys at $4,600 per organ. It seems that making decision for cesarean is done under the influence of cultural perceptions and beliefs. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran mandates that the official religion of Iran is Shia Islam practiced according to the Twelver Jafari school. We observed the use of a coping method by some informants that can be categorised as Benevolent Religious Reappraisal. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. In an interview with the Trauma and Mental Health Report (translated, Farsi to English), Hamed Rajabi, director of A Minor Leap Down, explains: This social system is only concerned with how people work and perform, and when that performance is lowered, their behavior is instantly condemned.. Among Muslims, the idea of testing (Ekhtebar) is rather robust. Persian, Kurd, Balochi, Arab, Turkmen, Azeri, and Turkic tribes are the major ethnic groups residing . At first glance, public behaviour in Iran is generally conservative. Iran recognises Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian religious minorities, among others. Many Asian people, by comparison, have a strong belief that uncertainty is inherent in life and each day is taken as it comes. Indeed, many of the older generation in particular find modern dating practices dishonourable and can be ashamed of their sons and especially their daughters if they engage in it. Because beliefs, customs, and practices related to health care may differ across societ-ies and cultural groups, responses to high-stress nursing Completely surrounded by God, I put myself and my destiny in His hands. In Iran, people generally feel able to relax their moral codes of behaviour and reveal the private side of their life when surrounded by people from their inner circle. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians past, present and emerging. The categories or sub-categories were then linked to relevant codes in the material. Outreach and education efforts by the health care community can help . Another coping method in this category is Punishing God Reappraisal. Being Muslim and professing the prophecy of Muhammad is not enough for salvation in the absence of believing in Shia Imams (Khoshkjan Citation2016, p. 3). The primary beverage is black tea. There is a huge variation in social codes, behaviours and beliefs between different regions of Iran. Ziyarat is, however, not merely a way of reaching God to ask for help. Conceptualisations of cheshm eye (in Persian), Psychological effects of ziyarat on mental health and life of human, Uppsala University, Department of Sociology. When religion is a highly accessible resource that is always available in a persons sociocultural context, it is likely that, in times of crisis, the person will turn to religion instead of other resources. Mexican Family Culture: Important Values, Traditions, and Beliefs. In the first pattern, religious actions are rooted in religious beliefs. Relevance to clinical practice Across its history, Iran has continuously pursued modernisation whilst looking to maintain its spiritual integrity. Herding has long been a traditional part of the economy, and dairy productsmilk, cheese, and particularly yogurtare common ingredients in Persian dishes. They help each other through difficulties, and are always there for each other through thick and thin. FAMILY VALUES Many Iranian immigrants in New Zealand are more westernized and secularized Those who are employed usually do desktop-based office work and also rarely get the same management opportunities. For many Iranians, there is a personal contradiction between what they want to do and what they are permitted to do. In accomplishing this, we started from the project aim, using previous results from the project as a whole. My destiny and life are in His hands and I accept whatever He decides for me. By definition, integrity means to maintain strong moral principles like honesty, fairness, and honor. Look! Improving patient and family care outcomes has been said to require "nuanced understanding of cultural con-texts for those who provide care and those who receive it" (Schim & Doorenbos, 2010, p. 1). This mindset manifests in health beliefs and behaviors in significant ways. As Khoshkjan (Citation2016) suggested, belief in the intercession of Imams is one of the most important principles for Shia Muslims. It is a common belief that these actions are good actions that satisfy God and pursue Him to help them. Someone who is a theologian is presumed to have the moral high ground and power in decision-making, gaining them a lot of respect. These values define what is meaningful to your familythe beliefs and ideas that bind your family together. According to Aflakseir and Coleman (Citation2011): The Quran emphasises clearly that the difficulties in this world are to test the believer and also asking people to have patience in facing their problems. They are also sometimes taught early that the protection of family honour also resides with them. The notion that illness is a test imposed on us by God is an old one. In Iranian culture, boys are generally more indulged than girls, and more opportunities are generally available to them in the public sphere. As such, women are expected to cover up anything that could be considered an erotic provocateur to avoid unwanted public attention i.e. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient's culture. This coping method means that people trust themselves as human beings more than they trust a sacred object God. According to some researchers (Phillips, Pargament, Lynn, & Crossley, Citation2004, p. 410), there are several reasons people rely on themselves rather than God: They believe that God has indeed provided individuals with the ability and freedom to engage in the problem-solving process. After the coding process was complete, we established the fundamental characteristics of the methods the informants employed to cope with their cancer disease. Previously, people usually only dated after high school; however, it is becoming common for teenagers to do so. Then I wanted to read, but I didnt know how. The researchers have a continued commitment to the research areas. Iran has been swift and forthcoming in adopting and bringing forward new ideas. Food in daily Life: Iranians have a healthy diet centered on fresh fruits, greens and vegetables. There remains a great deal of protection around girls in this regard. We found two patterns in our interviews. Cultural family values normalizing child marriage. Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the cultural factors that have an impact on military nursing care for Iraqi patients. The perceived role of God in illness and recovery is a primary influence upon the health care beliefs and behaviors of American Muslims, a first-of-its-kind study has discovered. The quotes used in this part, which were recorded in Persian, have been translated into English. Several Iranian dishes originated from the Greeks, Arabs, Turks and Russians. Seer: It is garlic and represents medicine or health. 0467469664;; The Cleanex is an NDIS Service Provider - NDIS Provider Number: 4050017476 Some reports show that 26.5 percent of Iranian women and 20.8 percent of Iranian men have mental-health difficulties. People generally had more the freedom of choice and expression over, for example, whether they wished to pray or wear a hijab. 1.1 Taking responsibility People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals take responsibility for ensuring that person-centred care is not compromised by personal values or beliefs. One usually turns immediately to family for assistance and may tell their problems and issues only to their family members. Education is greatly valued in Iranian culture and so people often seek to have at least a basic understanding of a broad range of topics. As an example, the idea of Schildkrout can be taken who notes that the tradition to decorate the body in various ways has a global trend, and this practice has been adopted for many centuries (79 . Different. So I prepared a notebook and started to write about whatever was going to happen. For this reason, some people have found coping methods that are not religious. Ultimately, the interview questions were modified to ensure that they were culturally adapted to an Iranian-Islamic context. Religious actions are integrated parts of the everyday life of people in Muslim countries, including Iran. Jul 2018. Mental illness in a family member is viewed as a familial flaw. The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. One of the methods in this category is Benevolent Religious Reappraisal: using religion to redefine the stressor as benevolent and potentially beneficial. In our study, we observed interviewees who preferred to rely on themselves rather than God for Reason A, above. It is a country with a rich history and unique culture. For example, the younger Iranian generation generally do not feel the need to stringently apply the honour code and will often hide certain shameful actions they consider reasonable from the older generations, who might be deeply offended by such behaviours. Cultural is a comprehensive concept that contains children's states of health, illness, and well-being. With a population of 80 million (2017), Iran is one of the most populous countries in West Asia. (p. 12). The first one is conversation with God and saints. Culture, a socially transmitted system of shared knowledge, beliefs and/or practices that varies across groups, and individuals within those groups, has been a critical mode of adaptation throughout the history of our species [].Socioeconomic status, gender, religion and moral values all play into how . Some reports show that 26.5 percent of. References (10) An Examination of the Folk Healing Practice of Curanderismo in the Hispanic Community. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. The interview guide was primarily based on the questions used in the Swedish study (Ahmadi, Citation2015); however, some cultural considerations were applied during production of the final protocol. Dec 15, 2012. All research groups checked all interview drafts and verified all codes and categorizations. Full-text available. Im not dependent on anything or anybody. Early marriage is a worldwide problem associated with a range of health and social consequences for teenage girls. This is the way they act at home or with their inner circle, where they can reveal their baaten (inside or true) identity without risk of arrest. Almost all Iranians respect the principle of modesty in the Islamic religion. The study highlights the importance of investigating cultural and social context when exploring the use of the meaning-making coping strategies in different countries. Family Solidarity - Intergenerational solidarity refers to the degree of closeness and support between different generations. In this article, we proceed from the perspective advocated by Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018). This cultural content is crucial in constructing individuals identities and ethical/moral worldview, which in its turn serves as an orienting system when navigating social relationships. We will try by sociologically analyzing the results, to discuss the role of cultural beliefs in coping. Role of Culture in Healthcare Decision-Making. Cultural values are a culture's core beliefs about what's good or right. The criteria suggested by Lincoln and Guba (Citation1985) were utilised in the current research to ensure trustworthiness. Three experts performed the peer examination. I think He has listened. As people dont want to risk doing something shameful, they generally adhere to social expectations. Such an unwillingness to turn to clergies in the time of difficulty is also found in our Turkish study. However, it has received less attention from policymakers and health researchers in Iran. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Source: PakPolaris at Deviant Art, Creative Commons, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. Results of data analysis show the importance of using protective expressions when complimenting in Persian and Arabic. Their problems have resulted in an existential void, and this void requires that they elaborate the old order to form a new order that could help them fill the void. While some households may employ servants, others may struggle to put food on the table. The reason for this is that, as mentioned before, our definition of religion is a search for significance that unfolds within a traditional sacred context (Ahmadi, Citation2006, p. 72). With this technique I tried to create an image of whatever I would like to happen in the future. These are sometimes called 'cultural value preferences'. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? The larger study has been conducted among cancer patients in 10 countries. To be able to appreciate other cultures' health values, beliefs, and behaviors, increased cultural c Therefore, the current study aimed to explore determinants of early . Behaviour in Iran is also noticeably influenced by peoples perceptions of pride and dignity. Religious association also has powerful leverage in society. The term "family values" has become a popular phrase in recent years. As Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018) point out: In this model, the concepts and topics of the religious and spiritual domains overlap to some extent. Despite the firmly entrenched reach of the Islamic Republic, Iranians generally discuss politics with vigour. It is a kind of charity, helping people in need. By establishing a relationship with another entity than her-/himself, the patient tries to gain comfort and control. The interviews were conducted from November 2017 through December 2017, and the transcription process was completed by February 2018. Health beliefs: In some cultures, people believe that talking about a possible poor health outcome will cause that outcome to occur. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? I believe I have sinned, and it is my punishment. A critical literature review, Public mental health promotion, meaning-making and existential meaning: Challenges for person-centered care of refugees in a secular, pluralistic context, Religious involvement and subjective well-being, Religion and health among black and white adults: Examining social support and consolation, Why me? First, following the process recommended by the World Health Organization (Citation2017), the original interview questions were translated into Persian by a psychology researcher whose mother tongue is Persian. However, individuals may not necessarily believe in these actions and instead fake them for the sake of their safety and reputation. Seeking Support from Clergy or Congregation Members refers to a search for comfort and reassurance through the love and care of these individuals. Your family culture influences things like your moral compass, beliefs, values, and traditions. Essential to our study is, thus, not the study of coping only from a psychological perceptive but mainly the role of culture in the present study; we define culture as a system of beliefs, traditions, customs, art, history, folklore, institutions, norm and values and how they are expressed a system that is shared by members of a society, community or group. It is also considered quite prestigious to be able to trace ones heritage back for centuries. This religious governance directly affects the public, political, economic and legal aspects of people's lives. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia! Because Iran is largely a desert, however, the ideal open space is a culturally constructed spacea garden. I think one thing that helped me was to walk this path alone. They are beliefs, ideas, and principles that are specific to your home and how it functions. For more information (Freud & Breuer, Citation1895). The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. All people may gain the prestige of a familys success or bear the responsibility for a familys dishonour. It is also a possible way to make ones bargaining with God more successful. Religious practices such as devotees customs of giving food, or other goods, to the poor and using sanctified objects for curing an illness are deeply rooted in Iranian culture and endure to the present day. Cultural behaviors have important implications for human health. Although recognition of mental-health problems in Iran has arguably increased over the past few years, considerable stigma still exists. While it borders seven different countries, the Iranian people do not seem to affiliate themselves with the Arab world; nor do they share much commonality with those in South/Central Asia. I remembered we had learned during the religious lessons at school that the first chapter of the Quran that was sent to the Prophet was Recite. Then Recite became the core of my meditations and illustrations. Thus, secular meaning-making coping hardly has any point of connection with a traditional sacred context, but can overlap with a search for connectedness with a sacred source without relating to God or any traditional religious context. According to Nation Master, females made up over 60% of the overall Iranian student body in 2012. Those families that have connections with the government are sometimes afforded latitude to deviate from strict rules, or they may receive more lenient consequences for their actions. Careful consideration was made during this phase. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Religion, culture and illness: a sociological study on religious coping in Iran, Department of Social Work and Psychology, University of Gvle, Gvle, Sweden, Department of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Counseling Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, Department of Nursing, Khoy Medical Sciences Faculty, Urmia Medical Sciences University, Khoy, Iran, Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge, Gvle, Sweden, Initial development of the Iranian Religious Coping Scale, Non-Hajj pilgrimage in Islam: A neglected dimension of religious circulation, A contrastive study of Arabic and Persian formulas against the evil eye used by women, Does being religious help or hinder coping with chronic illness? The Persians were only one of these tribes who settled in the territory of Persis (also Parsa, modern-day Fars) which would give them their name. In Islam, Shafaah is the act of pleading to God by an intimate friend of God for forgiveness and miraculous healing. Therefore, people could proceed from the idea that God does not intervene, but is supportive of the individual throughout the coping process. The present article is confined to the results obtained in our study in Iran and restricted to religious coping methods. It should not be assumed that all Iranians share the same language, cultural, religious or political beliefs. This ensures that the households name is not implicated with trouble and their honour is protected. Individuals' families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Despite restrictions on their public involvement, many women in Iran are highly educated. Research by Ahmad Ali Noorbala and colleagues from Tehran University of Medical Sciences shows women in Iran have a greater incidence of mental disorders than women in Western cultures. In Nigeria, the core traditional values have been debased at the modern era. All these things calm me down and give me strength. As it seems, believing that imams have outwardly powers, that visiting imams tombs ziyarat means nearing the source of the divine, and that through ziyarat they gain rewards savab has brought about the kind of psychological confidence and security that our informants needed while facing a serious life crisis. One 41-year-old man explained this: We have a responsibility to act. 6. 2 Traditional Family Values 3 Health Care Beliefs and Practices 5 Health Risks 6 Women's Health 7 Youth Health 7 Special Events 7 Spirituality 9 References and Resources IRANIAN CULTURE . Writing notes while interviewing contributed to the data quality. They are expected to be clean, well-behaved, and good students. Cultural factors that can influence family planning discussions and decisions include gender role inequality, deference to family or physician authority, religious influences, belief that. If a father or brother knows of a girls boyfriend, they may pretend that they are oblivious to that knowledge. A health belief system has four key components: perceived susceptibility. And this is the way he wants to remind me. Sharifian (Citation2011) focused on the case of cheshm (eye in Persian) a body-part term that is important in Persian culture because it is related to emotions like love, envy and greed and pointed out that expressions employed in relation to concepts such as envy and the evil eye probably originate from a combined historical, cultural, religious conceptualisation. Reducing health . Instead, people are expected to self-deprecate their success. . 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