To help clarify, many use the analogy of the sleeve of a shirt to visually highlight the joint capsule. However, they may have a more serious underlying issue such as ligament, capsule, the joint or labral damage that are frankly a big deal. I will talk more specifically about oversplits below, but I feel that the lack of education around this topic is why so many people are using aggressive methods. clinbiomech.2014.04.013. Keep this position for a couple of seconds and do the same for the other arm. Ankles are one of the most frequentlyinjuredbody parts ingymnasticswith a variety of injuries from getting crunched on short landings, chronic impingement, sprains, stress fractures, and more. I view it as a tool to open the door for gymnasts to then perform strength, technique, and control work for gymnastics skills. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Hip and shoulder flexibility limitations are one main contributor I see clinically to wrist, elbow, shoulder, lower back, and hip injuries in gymnasts. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2013 Sep 18; 95 (18): e133, Dumount GD. In spite of a fairly Subacromial Impingement. Nakamura M., et al. (2, 5). Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. This is especially as recent research has shown that shoulder and hip injuries are one of the most common problems all gymnasts face. Sometimes in such a high force sport, these bumps and bruises are inevitable. Wall ankle flexibility tests were used to measure the range of motion changes, and ultrasound imaging was used to look at the changes in the muscle tissue that relate to extensibility like passive resistive torque, muscle stiffness, tendon stiffness, fascicle length, and pentation angle. The main way people approach increasing the flexibility of the active structures is through regular stretching. Along with this, no stretching shoulder produces excessive soreness longer than the end of the day, as prolonged soreness may indicate microtissue damage. In simpler terms, I think that ankle weights make the skill very different compared to just the weight of the leg, and dont accurately represent/have transferred to nonweighted leaps. Between coaching, treating, and consulting in gymnastics around the world, offering advice on flexibility has become a staple in my work. Many gymnasts may be limited by their bony alignment, differently shaped hips, or less mobile capsule/ ligaments. If you took the time to read through everything, a major kudos to you. When correctly applied certain stretches into this position can augment skill development. Why Do So Many Gymnasts Struggle Even When They Stretch Daily? Simultaneously, draw the foot at the back further behind you. This guide will have a lot of research and science references in it, but in an effort to keep it not as hard to read, I will footnote those studies using parenthesis and include a large references section below. J Athl Training 35(3):278285, 2000. However, this requires very specialized medical training and must be performed by a healthcare provider who is competent. In Cardinale M, Newton R, Nosaka K,Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. I fear that what many people write off as small strains is actually the start of more serious issues like labral tears, pelvic bone stress fractures, and rotator cuff or biceps tendon damage. J Strength Cond Res. For one, proper movement assessments are rarely done before these large flexibility sessions. The larger changes related to global training design, may be more involved. Herbert RD1, de Noronha M. Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise. 2007. Clin Sports Med 30 (2011) 349-367. There is also a very fine line between stretching the correct active structure to see improvement and overly stressing the incorrect passive structure to cause injury. (3), For the geeks like me reading, they more specifically are subdivided into the Superior Glenohumeral Ligament, the Middle Glenohumeral Ligament, the Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament, and the Posterior Glenohumeral Ligament. Int J Sports Med. As a result, they have more ability to positively increase an athletes overall amount of shoulder or hip flexibility. This program is a four-day, upper/lower body split. Shibata KR, Mastuda S, Safran MR. Is there a distinct pattern to the acetabular labrum andarticular cartilage damage in the non-dysplastic hip with instability? Effects of self myofascial release: A systematic review. There are very predictable locations of stretch discomfort that athletes may feel, and other areas that are warning signs of more serious injuries. The problem is, between the massive amount of information on the internet, the rapid progression of scientific literature, and the wide range of possible reasons behind why someone struggles with flexibility, it can be absolutely exhausting to learn about and use practically to actually see long term results in the gy. 0, pp. Dynamic flexibility is often the focus during warm-up exercises. The shoulder joint itself can be thought about as a golf ball sitting on a tee. In my mind, definitely not. PLOS, 2012, 7(10): 1-10, Kubo K., Kanehisa H., Fukunaga, T. Effect of stretching training on the viscoelastic properties of human tendon stiffness in vivo. This is where we will go next. I feel this naturally occurs over time but is amplified when stretching methods are misguided. Background Anatomy and Understanding Hypermobility, Beightons Testing and Links to Capsular Laxity. As a result, gymnastic branch-specific stretching exercises increase the balance and flexibility parameters in a positive way; it is thought that the longer duration of training programs will have a positive effect on the athlete's performance. In my experience, excessive force, excessive duration, and the incorrect placement of a foam roller or stick massager can have opposite effects. That said, there are certainly changes in muscle stiffness, as well as the length of a muscle, again when appropriately used stretching methods are used. 2016. Due to the outlined research effects of foam rolling, stick or other forms of self-massage, I regularly recommend it as a piece of a gymnasts flexibility training. John Wiley & Sons: Oxford. A blind approach to gymnastics flexibility training can cause serious hip injuries as the current medical research field has demonstrated. As mentioned we have to be cautious not to overtax their already hypermobile hip capsules and ligaments during flexibility training. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). With this mobility comes the huge need to be strong, have very good technique, and have exceptional muscular stability. This second layer of joint capsule and ligaments helps provide more stability to the joint, with different portions of the capsule limiting certain ranges of motion. It is worth noting that both authors have extensive experience in elite level gymnastics, spending the majority of their career researching gymnastics biomechanics, injuries, and sports performance. The majority of these articles theorize that the main reasons that stretching increases range of motion include. Typically not a time to increase joint motion, as the body is usually in a very high-stress state and has just taken a lot of training volume, A naturally hypermobile type genetic structure, and shallower hip joints (acetabular dysplasia), Proper spinal control, alignment and awareness that does not stress the lower back or hip joints excessively, Adequate muscle length in the hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, and groin, Adequate muscle strength in the core, glutes, deep hip stabilizers, and rotator muscles to safely support the hip joint, Adequate full range control and strength for the central nervous system to allow leg motion to occur safely, Consistent training and regular use of newly acquired motion to transfer motion to skills in the long-term, Proper mental and psychological developmental/maturity of the athlete to actively be engaged in the training, know normal versus abnormal levels of discomfort and consistently work to seeing progress, Skendzel, et al. There are many reasons, and I put together this video highlighting how to look for some of the most common ones. I dont want readers to think static stretching is bad, and that we shouldnt do it. Scapular Muscles, Rotator Cuff, Core, etc. Scand J Med SCi Sports, 2010: 136 144. When you combine these three areas, along with the already discussed points about not having the best science behind flexibility methods to stress muscular tissue and spare joint capsules, it certainly makes sense why gymnasts may struggle with their flexibility. *Medical Note Also, remember that this blog post is for educational purposes only and does not represent medical advice. Now after saying that over split training is not inherently dangerous or going to create injury automatically, we all must realize there are severe consequences for not approaching split flexibility correctly. I am incredibly grateful for all the research they have conducted. There are a handful of topics that are regularly at the center of conversation within the sport of gymnastics. Oct 4 (15). Place your right hand on the left arm's elbow and pull toward the chest. Warm-ups are typically best looked at as a time when you can prepare the available joint range of motion that a gymnast has. If a gymnast is already very mobile and lax, pushing further on the ankle joint my only be making it worse. We all must understand and apply the best available science for hip and shoulder research to avoid excessive strain being placed on the passive structures of gymnasts. They measured ankle range of motion and end range stiffness before and after these stretches. In a study by Zollner et al (17), the researchers looked more at changes in muscle tissue when chronic stretching was used in simulated animal models. The hip stretch routine below is a sequence of exercises designed to help you overcome the most common restrictions so that you can start moving the way you want and need to. Without the ability to assess these various factors, it can be very challenging to make progress in flexibility. It has been great to see so many great surgeons, healthcare providers, and strength coaches share their thoughts and describe what still needs to be considered. Foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout of physical activity. These gymnasts were born this way. Within all these studies, there were undoubtedly methodological issues that need to be considered. Ive seen hundreds of them and had plenty myself during my years of gymnastics. So here are some main take always to help. Gymnastics training itself may create a position where a gymnast acquired more hypermobility with jumping/lading forces but also the large emphasis on mobility. 2012 May;40(2):8793. doi: 10.3810/psm.2012.05.1968. Some may have a combination of dysplasia, hip socket rotations, femur rotation, and different pelvic alignments. Second Edition, 2009. Many of them tell me that they try searching online, going to clinics or camps, and asking around at gyms about how to help, only to become significantly overwhelmed. (46-48). Attempting to apply one general stretching exercise that a naturally mobile gymnast showed in a presentation may cause some serious problems for such a gymnast. I now look back to how I coached and trained as a gymnast 10 years ago, and am blown away with all the things I was doing that were not backed by scientific support. Remember the biggest risk factor for an injury is a previous injury, and a lot of it has to do with what got the gymnast there in the first place. Physiother Res Int 2002;7:1-13. The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient. In addition, compared with static stretching, hold relax stretching may have a great effect on the alteration of stretch tolerance rather than decrease in muscle stiffness.. From all the science I have read, and conversations I have had with medical professionals on stretching or self-myofascial work, when correctly applied the positives effects of foam rolling on performance largely outweigh the negatives. Simply throwing a bunch of random flexibility drills you recently saw at a clinic or on a video (Im majorly guilty of this one) is a quick way to ask for complaints of hip pain. Instead, it may lead to the ligaments and joint capsules in the front or underside of the hips receiving more of the strain. Static stretching, dynamic stretching, active flexibility, and PNF stretching (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) are a few popular methods. In particular, the knee and elbow joints can be areas that if overly stretched, can become problematic. While some of it was helpful, I found that the majority of it was based on anecdotal evidence, and did not have a really solid grounding in the science of anatomy, physiology, medicine, or strength and conditioning. If you are not into that and are just looking for a particular area of the body without the geeky stuff, please click the table of contents below to jump to a certain section. If you don't feel any pain or discomfort, hold this stretch for about 30 seconds. Because exercise can shorten your muscles, skipping your post-activity stretch can decrease your mobility over time. Andrews, J., Reinold, M., Wilk, K. Current Concepts in the Evaluation and Treatment of the Shoulder in Overhead Throwing Athletes Part 2: InjuryPrevention and Treatment. I will then end with some important notes on other joints like the knees, elbows, and spine. J Athl Train 2004;39:254-8. Through very sophisticated mathematical models, they did show evidence of, a mechanistic multiscale model for stretch-induced sarcomereogenesis, in which chronic muscle lengthening is characterized through a scalar valued internal variable, the serious sarcomere number.. Alongside this, there is a lot of confusion or misunderstandings about what happens when gymnasts stretch, why it helps increase range of motion, how much stretching is suggested as beneficial to improve flexibility, and how to make changes show up in skills. The on-going process of training will include the development of strength, co-ordination, spatial awareness and the core gymnastics movement skills which are the foundation upon which high level and good quality gymnastics are based. Teaching gymnastics specific stability and whole chain coordination through single leg jumping, hopping, dynamic balance drills, and so on is usually the more beneficial route. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston. Stretching the hamstrings typically produces discomfort in the middle of the back of the thigh, not high up in the buttocks where the hamstring attaches to an open growth plate in pre-pubescent gymnasts. Anyone experiencing pain, discomfort, abnormal sensation, or other symptoms should stop immediately from any advice offered and seek formal medical care. There are screening tools that coaches can use to assess these issues, in addition to many great assessments that medical providers can use to break down problems. . The reality of the human body is that there are hundreds of factors related to anatomy that can influence a gymnasts level of flexibility. (3). Without an in-depth knowledge of medical assessments, it is difficult to know why a gymnast may be limited in their split and what structure is referring discomfort during flexibility training. A paper by Weppler / Magnussun in 2010 (find it here, A paper by Ben / Harvey in 2010 (find it here, A reduction in the amount of stiffness or compliance within muscles (viscoelasticity), although likely transient, An increase in the length of contractile units within muscles (sarcomeregenesis) especially if eccentrics are used, Increases in the water content, blood flow, and temperature within muscles acutely, A 2018 systematic review by Thomas et al (, The issue is not with use of stretching. 2010;90:438 449. In all cases except two, (Janot et al., 2013; Peacock et al., 2014) there were no changes in performance measures following any of the SMFR protocols used. Many great studies have outlined how hip ligaments and labrum may get strained at very end ranges that are unprotected or repetitively subjected to high force (as seen in several gymnastics skills). I am not responsible or liable for any negative consequences that come from applying the ideas below. This can happen withhip flexing movements (think front leg high kick or leap) as the front of the femur bone makes contact with the front of the pelvis (impingement) and then the contact acts as a fulcrum for thefemoral head toslide out the back of the hip joint (instability). Its not that we want to freak out every time someone is reporting discomfort in a split. 115-122, Reinold MM, Curtis AS. Hip Arhtroscopy and Hip Joint Preservation Surgery. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/75057/domains/ on line 5752 Rainman, Thornburg. 2016. 2014 Jun;29(6):636-42. doi: 10.1016/j. These issues are commonly overlooked as culprits to why a gymnast struggles in this area of gymnastics. Cross-body shoulder stretch. It also stretches your hamstrings. List of Gymnastics Exercises. When an athlete reports hip or shoulder pain, far too many people are jumping to the conclusion and assuming that these reports of pain are just pulled muscles. Arabesque - a body shape on one leg with the other leg extended behind the body Lastly and most importantly, this complex approach tends to create much more engagement from gymnasts, as the longer static holding of flexibility can be very prolonged and monotonous. The most popular thought process is that we are affecting resting muscle tone, possibly increasing blood flow, perhaps changing the amount of water hydration level within the muscle or are offering a competitive neurological stimulus for muscle soreness. Alongside this, strength deficits, limited full range control, technique issues, fatigue, or adjacent areas of the body may be the reason behind an apparent lack of flexibility. Many people want to know what the best approach is, either static or dynamic, if they should be aiming to increase range of motion, what are the best drills, and so on. The hip socket being overly shallow is referred to as dysplasia. Some gymnasts with dysplasia or hypermobile hip capsules never have pain, but some are so far on the continuum of too excessive mobility that it leads to instability and injury. It was also outlined that total time spent stretching per week was more important than total time spent stretching per session. We want to make sure we are not over-stretching or overstressing passive structures like the shoulder ligaments and capsules. Many medical assessments can be used to determine why a gymnasts hip, shoulder or spine may not have the range of motion needed to achieve a full handstand, split, or bridge. Ogura Y, Miyahara Y, Naito H, Katamoto S, Aoki J. In this situation, if the gymnast can not access their full range of motion against gravity alone,I see no justification for adding additional ankle weight resistance and allowing swinging momentum to reach the desired end range of motion. The main articles that support this are, With this being said, there are definitely studies that claim changes to the mechanical properties of the muscle, tendon, and junction between these structures change overtime with stretching. Jumping and landing athletes are already at a huge risk for ACL tears, not to mention the even higher risk for young developing female athletes. Clinical Examination and Physical Assessment of Hip Related Joint pain In Athletes. These ligaments more specifically are the medial and lateral arms of the iliofemoral ligament and the pubofemoral ligament. It can be overwhelming if you are not familiar with it. Does it make sense to take a gymnast who go theirinjury in the first place by rolling her ankle down and in and stretch the down portion more? Other things are beyond the realm of changing unless you have a medical background. Labral tears may progress to requiring surgical repair and putting an athlete out of training for months or even career-ending. Most gymnasts in general (and especially people with chronic ankle sprains) tend to hang out in this position at rest. Active Flexibility in New Range of Motion and Eccentrics An important note is that some athletes may have different bony morphology of their hips in which their femur or hip socket is more rotated forward (anteverted) or backward (retroverted). It was found that thirty minutes of supervised hamstring stretching to the point of discomfort, five days per week for six weeks improved overall range of motion but did not increase the muscle extensibility. (18, 38-40) I do think its an important distinction, but due to cultural norms for gymnastics, I will not be super specific to go by medical jargon like these terms and more. I dove headfirst into the scientific literature over 2 years and starting playing around with many new methods in the gym and clinic. A complex typically includes these steps (I will offer links to videos below), Pre Test Screen With this concept of overuse muscular stiffness in mind, I want to pause for a critical point. Some studies have correlated a higher Beightons score with increased capsular laxity, including this research study linking a Beighton score over 4 to hip capsular laxity ( and this study that discusses the links between shoulder capsular laxity and a high Beightons score ( Ensure you are warmed up correctly Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Nov; 17(11), Macdonald GZ, et al. These gymnasts typically dont have to work on flexibility too much to achieve full splits. Understanding multidirectional instability of the shoulder. Keeping this in mind, we need to seriously consider that gymnasts have open growth plates and can suffer from ischial apophysitis or growth plate stress fractures if we blindly force split motion. This capsular and ligamentous hypermobility is not inherently a bad thing, as it is part of what makes a gymnast good at the sport. Bialosky, et al. I view the different goals fo flexibility in this light. That same drill may cause significant pain and limited motion in another gymnast who has very retroverted or less shallow hip joints. IJSPT Oct 2013; 8(5): 554 578. They include rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon. Get in the low lunge position with the knee of the leg at the back touching the floor. Part of this may be inevitable for high-level gymnastics, but we should be doing anything we can to reduce risk given the scientific information and coaching expertise available. There are some times when we are aiming to just get the body going, and other times when we are looking to truley increase joint range of motion. The issue is more about, The lack of assessments being used before and after stretching, The lack of flexibility exercises that target active muscular structures (muscles and tendons) over passive structures (ligaments and joint capsules), The lack of a consistency over intensity mindset that is supported by research, and also avoids aggressive techniques that may cause injury, The lack of individuality and specificity being used based on a gymnasts individual issue, The lack of stretching being used as one small piece for the overall flexibility approach that carries changes in range of motion to actual skills, The current body of research on stretching suggests that, Changes in the nervous system are likely the main reason why stretching overtime increases range of motion (changing stretch reflex, changing perception of discomfort, desensitization of specific nerves), Changes in the muscle or tendon tissue itself also likely occur (change in number of sarcomeres, length of sarcomeres, amount of stiffness in muscle tissue). Hip Flexors, Quads, Groin, Calves, etc. This is usually why they were noticed as a good candidate for competitive gymnastics, as they naturally had full splits and bridges. Acute Effects of Stretching on Passive Properties of Human Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit: Analysis of Differences Between Hold-Relax and Static Stretching. Shu B., Safran MR. Hip Instability: Anatomic and Clinical Considerations of Traumatic and Atraumatic Instability. Tumbl Trak Athlete Wellness and Recovery Kit, Front splits, straddle splits, handstands and pommel horse/parallel bar flexibility, Downloadable checklists to use at practice,,,,,, The Ultimate Gymnastics Flexibility Guide, Tom Meadows on Developing Elite Male Gymnasts and His Best Coaching Advice, Helping Gymnastics Coaches Stay Happy In The Gym and Change Their Cultures. These two things often happen together in very flexible gymnasts, theoretically as the contact of the femur on the pelvis creates a fulcrum type point for the head of the femur to lever against contributing instability. Following a full-bodied dynamic warm-up, athletes can then do some core basics, jumping and landing basics, handstand or other gymnastic specific prep work, and then progress naturally to their first about. The Young Injured Gymnast: A Literature Review and Discussion. The ACL tear and knee injury rates in gymnastics are already high enough. 1-13. Second, most times there are a lack of pre and post-tests (line splits, checking objective shoulder flexibility screen against a wall) to see if what is being used for exercises is effective. Also, aggressively pushing a gymnast down in a split or not taking the time to break down why someone is limited can also lead to serious injuries. Eccentric training and static stretching improve hamstring flexibility of high school males. Pausing for Practical Applications in Gymnastics Training I know readers feel real overwhelmed probably. This means the hip bone was slightly migrating out of the hip socket to reach such large ranges of motion. And Im not off the hook here. (1, 3, 5, 8-9, 15-16). As with the shoulder, I also feel that extreme hip stretching methods from a very high surface, or when a coach is pushing aggressively on a gymnast, have no place in our sport. An Acute Bout of Self-Myofascial Release in the Form of Foam Rolling Improves Performance Testing. Gymnasts practice up to 30 hours a week and have regiments full of conditioning and exercises. The hip is a bit opposite of this, having a deeper socket with more joint congruency. 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